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AGR Boards

The AGR Initial Tour Continuation Board: The AGR Initial Tour Continuation Board is conducted annually to evaluate Soldiers completing their initial tour of duty in the AGR Program.  The board will evaluate your performance and potential for increased responsibilities in the AGR Program.  This board is a best qualified board.  Please see the NYARNG AGR Continuation Board for Initial Entry Soldiers (FY-19) below for specific information and guidelines.

NYARNG AGR Continuation Board for Initial Entry Soldiers (FY-19) Memorandum

New York Army National Guard (NYARNG) Officer Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board:  This board is essential for providing a life cycle management tool for career progression and management of qualified AGR Officers.  All Officers with 18 years of Active Federal Service or more will be considered by the board.  Soldiers may elect to retire in lieu of board action as long as they have reached 20 years of Active Federal Service.  Officers selected for release will be given 12 months to be separated from the AGR Program or upon reaching 20 years of active service creditable towards a regular retirement.  Soldiers will be notified of their selection for release from the AGR Program by memorandum.  Officers selected for release will also be the given the opportunity, with the concurrence of the Adjutant General, to revert to traditional status,, retire, apply for other non-AGR Full Time National Guard Duty Operational Support, Call to Active (CAD) or Military Technician positions.  The effective date of separation will be identified in the memorandum for those Officers not selected for retention.  More detailed information is contained in the example memorandum below.

NYARNG Officer Active Guard Reserve (AGR) ASMB Memorandum Sample

New York Army National Guard  (NYARNG) Enlisted Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board:   This board is essential for providing a life cycle management tool for career progression and management of qualified AGR Enlisted Soldiers. All Enlisted Soldiers with 18 years of Active Federal Service or more will be considered by the board. Soldiers may elect to retire in lieu of board action as long as they have reached 20 years of Active Federal Service. Enlisted Soldiers selected for release will be given 12 months to be separated from the AGR Program or upon reaching 20 years of active service creditable towards a regular retirement. Soldiers will be notified of their selection for release from the AGR Program by memorandum.  Enlisted Soldiers selected for release will also be the given the opportunity, with the concurrence of the Adjutant General, to revert to traditional status,, retire, apply for other non-AGR Full Time National Guard Duty Operational Support, Call to Active (CAD) or Military Technician positions. The effective date of separation will be identified in the memorandum for those Enlisted Soldiers not selected for retention. More detailed information is contained in the example memorandum below.













© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Army: AGR Boards
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/army/?p=1425741205
Page Last Modified: 16 Nov 22